Tolani: A(passionate)review

My made-in-the-stars friend rewards yours’ truly with a review of our very own Tolani,yaayy!It’s constructively criticized, humorously passionate and succinctly analyzed. I love love love this review! Rita dear, sorry you had to wait, it’s *clears throat* one of those things. But hey, the patient dog eats the…yeah!Enjoy!

About Tolani

It was a very great read for me. I checked every Tuesday severally. Question is, why did it have to be posted late on those days? Oh well, at least you did at some point on the designated days. Was Tolani Finale worth the wait? You bet it was but please don’t do that to me next time. I took it personal and said to myself, “Lois must be doing this just to spite me. She knows I am waiting helplessly to see how it ends.” I forgive you Lois, just because it was worth the wait. Oh! It sure was.
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Tolani Finale!

“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”
― Benjamin Franklin

I love this quote because it reminds me that I have no excuse(s) to make you, yes you, I mean you wait for the last episode of Tolani! I mean, who wouldn’t get upset holding their breaths for what guilt-laden Denrele would say or do? Or whether Tolani would be as forgiving as we would want? So, I am hopelessly sorry for bringing Tolani three Tuesdays late. But I promise, you wouldn’t regret the wait!

Damian was worried. What becomes of Tolani now? Would she ever forgive? He honks loudly and hit the brakes as a child darts across the road. ‘Why on earth would his parents allow him to take the highway?’ he mutters in annoyance. He revs up the engine and continues musing.
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Tolani V

“I didn’t think he had a humane side”
“Neither did I, maybe it was on vacation”
“Or even probation”

Their laughter was drowned by the roar of Oga’s engine as he drove away and the noise from the I-big-pass-my-neighbour generator sets of her neighbours.
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Tolani II

The lecture hall was packed with students. Plenty shoving and pushing. Ofure felt peppery twinges of hot air filter its way through her nostrils, sending warm flashes to her already unsettled abdomen. It seemed the ceiling fans were a victim of the weather too as they partitioned the heat waves into varying lengths, sending the shortest to Ofure’s direction. Mr. Edun’s voice was almost inaudible, save for his constant “hope you are getting me?” mannerism interspersed with the incessant chatter of tired, hungry students.
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