Tolani Finale!

“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”
― Benjamin Franklin

I love this quote because it reminds me that I have no excuse(s) to make you, yes you, I mean you wait for the last episode of Tolani! I mean, who wouldn’t get upset holding their breaths for what guilt-laden Denrele would say or do? Or whether Tolani would be as forgiving as we would want? So, I am hopelessly sorry for bringing Tolani three Tuesdays late. But I promise, you wouldn’t regret the wait!

Damian was worried. What becomes of Tolani now? Would she ever forgive? He honks loudly and hit the brakes as a child darts across the road. ‘Why on earth would his parents allow him to take the highway?’ he mutters in annoyance. He revs up the engine and continues musing.
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