I am often fascinated by what makes them what.

Let me tell you about one of them.

So this guy and I went on a date. I chose what I was going to wear carefully. I needed to be myself, as well as make a good first impression.

The three-quarter plain trousers and a turtleneck top I donned made me feel chic and comfortable.

I got to the lounge before he did and passed time replying emails and surfing the net.

Occasionally, I looked up to enjoy what view I could: lovebirds staring at each other and laughing at nothing, lounge chefs sweating away at the peppered fish grill, and Gen Zs snapping and posting away.

The view certainly helped calm my nerves ’cause I hadn’t been on a date in months.

Plus, I held him in penman awe as he is an extraordinary writer. So I didn’t know what to expect.

Turns out I didn’t need to worry because my nerves came lose as soon as we started talking.

No, as soon as we locked eyes and he smiled.

Ouch my heart! That smile. That smile. That smile.

It was easy speaking with Leo. I enjoyed every bit of our back and forth.

I was taken by his intellect and manner of speaking.

The latter can best be described as…painfully kind.

The kind of kind that carries a depth of warm respect, a warmth that spreads to your stomach and back to your cheeks, so that you simply…glow. And glow some more.

The kind of kind that makes you wonder how someone manages to remain untainted by the pervasive negatives of this world.

Almost like a newborn: a kind innocence. An innocent kindness.

I couldn’t help but wonder: ‘Is he real?’ My fascination for this man grew even more.

The kind of kind that makes you feel…safe and cocooned.

Like a good night sleep under a warm duvet on a cold night.

“Are you a virgin?” he asked.

Continues next week!

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